Plaza Construction Golf Outing Raises $300,000 for Voices for Children Foundation
Press - April 1, 2019

“To date, our Golf Invitational has raised over $1 million for Voices for Children, a children’s advocacy group for abused and neglected children,” says Brad Meltzer, President of Plaza Construction. Every child deserves and needs a safe and nurturing home and Plaza is proud to be a contributor to this worthwhile cause.”
The invitational was open to Plaza team members, clients and subcontractors, and roughly 112 golfers participated in this year’s tournament. The event culminated in a dinner in which the check for $300,000 was presented to Jay Shapiro, Chairman of the Board and Nelson Hincapie, President and CEO of Voices for Children Foundation by Brad Meltzer, President of Plaza Construction.
“Plaza Construction is a philanthropic company and believes in company-wide volunteerism and giving back to the community,” adds Mr. Meltzer. “We thank all those who joined us in participating in the Golf Invitational and supporting Voices for Children.”